[Saint Laurence]

St. Laurence’s Roman Catholic Church

Diocese of East Anglia
Registered Charity No. 278742

Parish Priest:

91 Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1XB
Tel: 01223 704640
Email: office@saintlaurence.org.uk
Office opening times: 10am−3pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

Rev. Geoffrey Cook

Mass and other services

The usual Mass and other service times are shown below, but please note that both times and locations do sometimes have to change at short notice.

The weekly newsletter will have details of any changes.

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If you are unable to join us in the church for any reason, you are warmly invited to join us ‘virtually’ via our live streaming. This runs continuously (barring technical problems) and includes all Masses, other services, or simply to allow you to join in silent prayer before the cross.

Sunday Mass

Saturday 18:00 Mass
Sunday 08:00 Mass
Sunday 09:30 Mass
Sunday 11:00 Mass
Sunday 17:00 Mass − not every week (please see the Newsletter for details)

All Masses are celebrated at the church. The school is currently unable to accommodate public Masses.

Most sung Masses are ‘live’, but we make use of pre-recorded music at some Masses.

As well as welcoming you to coffee after 11am Mass, we also have a ‘virtual’ coffee and chat from approximately 12.15 each Sunday using Zoom. You can join by clicking HERE or by entering the following details into the Zoom app:
Meeting ID:937 4813 6619
These details may change from time to time: to ensure you have the latest information, please subscribe to our email news list or check the current newsletter.

Weekday Mass

Note that weekday Masses are especially subject to change to accommodate funerals and other services. Please check the weekly newsletter for details.

Monday 09:30 Mass
Tuesday 12:30 Mass
Wednesday 18:00 Mass (followed by Exposition)
Thursday 09:30 Mass
Friday 12:30 Mass
Saturday 09:30 Mass (followed by Coffee Hub)

Holy Days

Holy Days which fall on or are transferred to a Sunday are celebrated at the normal Sunday Mass times, as above. When the Holy Day is celebrated during the week, the times are usually as follows:

08:00 Mass in Church
09:30 Mass in Church
19:30 Sung Mass in Church

Mass times at Christmas and Easter are significantly different: please see the weekly newsletter for details.

Other services

The following additional services may be celebrated each weekday:

09:00 Office of Readings and Morning Prayer
18:00 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Evening Prayer
21:00 Compline

Compline will be preceded by approximately half an hour of meditative music, and followed by Benediction if the number of attendees reaches the statutory minimum congregation of 12 people.

Individual Prayer

The church is available for private prayer at any reasonable time.