[Saint Laurence]

St. Laurence’s Roman Catholic Church

Diocese of East Anglia
Registered Charity No. 278742

Priest in Charge:
Fr. Robin Mampallithadathil CRM

91 Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1XB
Tel: 01223 704640
Email: office@saintlaurence.org.uk
Office opening times: 10am−3pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

Rev. Geoffrey Cook

The Sacraments − Confirmation

The young people of the parish are confirmed during the school year in which they reach the age of 14 (i.e. school year 9).

Confirmation Sessions run through the year, starting in September and end in July with the Confirmation Mass in July.  Included in the sessions are Friday evenings for the full family to attend and socialise.  The Schedule can be seen here.

Several items can be downloaded here:

Copies of these documents, and further information, can also be obtained from the parish office or by email.