[Saint Laurence]

St. Laurence’s Roman Catholic Church

Diocese of East Anglia
Registered Charity No. 278742

Priest in Charge:
Fr. Robin Mampallithadathil CRM

91 Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1XB
Tel: 01223 704640
Email: office@saintlaurence.org.uk
Office opening times: 10am−3pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

Rev. Geoffrey Cook

Coffee Hub and Rota

Saturday Coffee Hub

Our coffee hub is open every Saturday after morning Mass in the Parish rooms, usually from 10am until noon. We welcome all to drop in for as little or as much time as they can.  Arrange to meet friends, meet and chat with other parishioners, enjoy the refreshments − coffee, tea, and bacon sandwiches. 

The coffee hub is staffed by Parish volunteers − anyone who is interested to help out, please get in touch via the Parish Office.

11am Mass on Sunday

Coffee and tea are served in the parish rooms after 11am Mass every Sunday. Volunteers are always needed to help serve. If you would be willing to help, please contact Frances Stafford (Tel: Cambridge 264230).