[Saint Laurence]

St. Laurence’s Roman Catholic Church

Diocese of East Anglia
Registered Charity No. 278742

Priest in Charge:
Fr. Robin Mampallithadathil CRM

91 Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1XB
Tel: 01223 704640
Email: office@saintlaurence.org.uk
Office opening times: 10am−3pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

Rev. Geoffrey Cook

St Laurence’s − Building Up Parish Life

We want St Laurence’s to be an active, welcoming, friendly Parish. It would be a great help to know a little more about our parishioners, and to be able to contact you if needed.

Do please take a few minutes to fill out this form. Any information provided will be held securely by the Parish Office and used only to support pastoral work or to contact you about news or activities.

Please provide your name and contact details below, and then complete the declaration at the bottom of the page. All other information is optional.

Note: all are welcome at St Laurence’s at all times. This is not a membership form, and filling out the form is optional. But we’d love to know about anyone who worships with us, whether Catholic or non-Catholic. Younger parishioners can fill out their own form or be included on a parent / carer’s form (see Children and young people below).

Contact Details

First Name:
Last Name:
Post code
In which year (approximately) did you first join the Parish?
Which Mass(es) do you attend? Saturday 6pm
Sunday 8am
Sunday 9.30am
Sunday 11am
Sunday 5pm
If you’re a young person (under 18), please let us know your date of birth:

Can you help?

We need volunteers to support the following activities. Training is provided where relevant. Ticking an option here is not a commitment. Someone from the activity will get in touch to discuss what is involved, and you can then decide whether you’re interested and able to help.

Tick any area where you could help: Children’s Liturgy at Mass
Other children’s groups
Youth Groups
Welcoming people to Mass
Music at Mass
Eucharistic ministry
Reading at Mass
Flower arranging
Coffee after 11am Mass
Tidying and maintenance
Administrative tasks
Parish Magazine (The Pilgrim)
Organising social activities
Outreach / Communications
Tech Group
Are there any other skills that you could offer or activities with which you would like to help?

Interested in a group or activity?

Someone from the relevant groups will get in touch to tell you more.

Tick any groups you’re interested in: Parish CAFOD Group
St Vincent de Paul (SVP)
Catholic Women’s League
Justice and Peace Group
Scripture study group
Prayer group (Soulfood)
Faith-sharing / discussion groups
Adult religious education

Children and young people

Which of these activities for children, young people, and families might be of interest? Children’s liturgy at regular Sunday Mass
Pre-school / toddlers group
First communion group
Altar serving
Confirmation group
Youth group
Ablaze (youth oriented) Mass

If you’re a young person completing your own form – skip to the next question!

If you’re a parent/carer, let us know about children or young adults who worship with us. This will help us to plan support for our young people. If more than one person in your family is completing a form, only one of you needs to complete this section.

 Name: Date of birth:
 Name: Date of birth:
 Name: Date of birth:
 Name: Date of birth:
 Name: Date of birth:
 Name: Date of birth:

Would you like us to contact you or provide support?

 I would like the Parish priest to contact me
I would like a lay member of the Parish to contact me
Do you have any needs that the Parish could support (e.g. visiting or bringing communion to housebound parishioners, help with transport to church, advice for people new to Cambridge)? This information will be treated in confidence and may be passed to volunteers in our Parish SVP group.

Other comments or suggestions

Are there other activities that you would like to see offered, or ideas for Parish life?



I confirm that St Laurence’s Parish may store the personal information provided here and may use this data to contact me (including by email) about Parish support, news, and activities. This data may be shared with Parish staff and volunteers administering the Parish database, and with volunteers who organise support or activities in which I expressed an interest. I understand that I can withdraw this consent any time by contacting the Parish Office.

If you are under 13, please ask a parent/guardian to enter their name below.

Please enter your name to declare your consent for us to hold and process the information you have provided above.

Please note, we make use of Google “reCAPTCHA” to help ensure that this form is not misused by automated systems. Neither Google, nor anybody else outside the Parish, has any access to the information you enter.