Welcome to Saint Laurence’s
A very warm welcome to you if you are new to the Parish, or just visiting − in person or through our web site. We hope that you will be very happy at Saint Laurence’s and will feel at home in our worship and all the activities that take place here.
Saint Laurence’s is one of three Catholic Parishes in Cambridge, and is part of the Diocese of East Anglia.
This web site contains details of all Parish Groups and activities. If you would like a visit to your home for any reason, please just contact the Office at any time.
Lent, Holy Week and Easter at St Laurence’s
- Every Thursday in Lent
- 6.30-7.30pm − Holy Hour − Adoration and Confessions
- Every Friday in Lent
- 7pm − Stations of the Cross
- Palm Sunday – 13 April 2025
- Normal weekend Mass times:
Saturday 6pm
Sunday 8am, 9.30am and 11am - Maundy Thursday – 17 April 2025
- 7.30pm − Mass of the Lord’s Supper
followed by solemn adoration until midnight - Good Friday – 18 April 2025
- 10-11.30am − Children’s Stations of the Cross
1pm − Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
3pm − Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
7.30pm − Stations of the Cross - Holy Saturday – 19 April 2025
- 9pm − Easter Vigil
- Easter Sunday − 20 April 2025
- Normal Sunday Mass times:
8am, 9.30am and 11am
New to the Parish?
You are very welcome to our community. Do register with us so that we have your contact details.
Latest news and keeping in touch
Sign up for our weekly keep-in-touch email.
In response to some of the feedback shared during our “Conversation in the Spirit” on March 4th, please see Fr Ted’s letter to the parishioners HERE.
We welcomed Fr Teodoro Kalaw, CRM, Superior General of the Adorno Fathers, to celebrate mass for the first time at our parish on Sunday 2nd March 2025. A copy of his first homily can be found HERE.
Bl. Carlo Acutis Group: We would like to welcome everyone who went to First Communion but has not yet been Confirmed to join our new youth group. Join us for guided prayer during Adoration, teamwork activities and pizza! We will meet monthly on the second Saturday of the month.
Please see our page HERE, and contact us at youthgroup@saintlaurence.org.uk if you have any questions. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Parish Self Appraisal. A new document summarises the state of the Parish − to help our new Priest and support our planning. Please read it and give your input HERE.
The latest edition of The Pilgrim (our parish magazine), and many of the previous editions, are available to read here.
If social media is your thing, follow us on Facebook for pictures, news and discussion.
Supporting the Parish financially
Many parishioners now contribute to the regular collection via Internet banking. To do this or for other donations, Mass stipends, etc, our bank details are:
Account name: | St Laurences Church |
Sort Code: | 09-01-53 |
Account Number: | 14255486 |
Gift Aid: If you are a UK tax payer, and have not already signed up for the Gift Aid scheme, please consider doing so HERE. This allows the church to claim back the tax you have paid on any donations, at no extra cost to you.
We can also take one-off donations by credit or debit card through Dona, an organisation recommended by the Diocese. Please click HERE or use the card payment point at the back of the church. Thank you for all of your support.
Please see our Safeguarding page for current information about safeguarding in the Parish.