The meeting began at 8pm with Jim O'Sullivan in the chair and Fr Pat, Fr Bob and 16 parishioners present.
Fr. Pat Cleary opened the meeting with prayer.
Apologies were received from Rev Geoff and Pat Cook, Diane Timmons, Ted Welsh.
These were posted as usual on the website and on the Narthex notice board.
Parish day liturgy had been a success.
An updated finance statement for last year is to be included in the bulletin next week.
Parish Day was brilliant. It cost about £3,500. Fr David Bagstaff loved it. There were lots of new volunteers. Improvements include better re-cycling and it was felt a pity that the school toilets could not be used. A further meeting of the volunteers will take place and ideas re improvements as well as good ideas will be kept future reference.
St Laurence’s Day – wine and cheese will be served in the garden after the evening Mass for a more informal party.
Confirmation course will start in September. There will be family visiting (Fr Bob), an Information Day and YAYA Mass in September; block teaching over a day and a residential week at Easter. Application forms are being prepared and it will be advertised. This is for Year 10 (aged 14) and names and e mail addresses should be given to the office.
First Communion is concluded.
Baptism course is going. It is by invitation which seems to work best. There are up to 25 people at each course which is led by Rosina Abudulai and Helen Allen.
Adult Catechesis − 2 series have been led by Fr Bob and a third series is due on “story” in the Old Testament and the Parables. Attendance should be encouraged particularly with those who teach and parents. It may be worth advertising it outside the parish.
Live Simply − this is not an “add on”. We have the Live Simply award but it needs a follow on with perhaps a session in the autumn accessing Catholic Social Teaching. Anna Rowlands is happy to lead this so we learn how to make this an integral part of our Faith.
Kitchen – the new kitchen will be installed during the last week of August and the first of September. Pictures and plans were on display. A water heater for drinks will be rented as this is most economical method. Clearance for the expenditure has been given by the Diocese.
Windows Irial McGiley does not feel these need replacing so discussion needs to take place.
Milton Road Library – re-development next door with accommodation upstairs is proposed. They have asked if the church can help with car parking but it is felt that this could be a problem if it happens on the formal basis. It is planned that this be a Community Hub.
Cyclists – entrance and exits still present some problem and a cyclist was recently knocked off by someone leaving the church. Markings on the pavement outside could help with this as well as cutting back the bushes.
Security – Fr Pat will lock up after 11am Mass.
General Security – new key codes will be introduced shortly and people who need to have access must tell the office leaving names and e mail addresses for future ease of changing codes. New Safe Boxes for the 2 safes will be installed as well as a new key box for all other keys. This should be good for insurance.
There was a Governors’ meeting today. Some new teachers have been appointed. Over subscription may become a problem. The Church will do its best to forge good links.
Sandy Hodson attended the last meeting. The council may be revised by the new Bishop.
SVP has a new member. Anyone in need that SVP could help please let them know. They will have a recruitment drive in September. There is a holiday flat in Norfolk. There is a pilgrimage to Walsingham this weekend.
CAFOD − There will be no Simple Supper this year but a book sale instead.
Bible Study Group – Jane Thorp-Cockill and Sr Anne lead it and it is really good. About 8 attend each Wednesday evening.
A flyer with all activities should be created and given out at the end of August and beginning of September.
A visiting scheme to welcome new parish members would be good but would need CRB checks.
Greeting new members – get them to fill in forms if possible.
Bulletin – Do we need a larger Bulletin? Needs consultation and consensus. It would give space to make things like prayer lists for sick and dead could be more sensitively presented.