Minutes of St Laurence’s Parish Forum : 15 April 2013

The meeting began at 8pm with Jim O'Sullivan in the chair and Fr Pat and 16 parishioners present.

Fr. Pat Cleary opened the meeting with prayer.


Apologies were received from Michael McEwan, Geoff and Pat Cook, Diane Timmons, Ted Welsh.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

These were posted as usual on the website and on the Narthex notice board.

Matters arising not on the agenda


Cambridge Food Bank

Susan O’Brien was to have spoken to the meeting but was unable to do so on this occasion, but will come on 4th July.

The Parish is collecting for the food bank on the 1st Sunday of each month.

Paul Simmons asked if it would be alright to take some tinned tuna for Winter Comfort sandwiches as they used to get this direct from the Food Bank and time has made this very difficult. It was thought that a separate appeal for this would be better so that it is not misconstrued and so that people do not think they can just help themselves from the Food Bank donations.

Live Simply Award

Mary Watkins told the meeting that the Live Simply Assessors, from Cafod and Eco-Congregation, will come on 19th May, Pentecost Sunday, to see how we are getting on.

They will look at the plan and see what is evidenced.

That afternoon has the gardening event which is quite fortuitous. There will also be the Postcard campaign for Hungry for Change and the children will have Live Simply activities at the Parish Day (Water etc).

Parish Day – 9th June 2013

Christine Knight reported how planning is going.


Holy Week had been lovely and the children’s stations were well supported. The full number of readings at the Vigil was well liked.

The Justice and Peace group who met last Saturday had commented on the quality of the Bidding Prayers

YAYA Mass is posted on Facebook. It is being run by Tiziano and Hannah. The first Mass had been really lovely but not a lot of people, the second Mass had been better attended. The next Mass on 28th April will have an A5 flier. There is good equipment for the hymns using projector and screen. It is proposed that YAYA’s day trip to Walsingham on 11th May might be able to borrow a minibus from St Neots.

A new Mass setting is being introduced to be used in full at the Parish Day.

Pre school Mass meets at midday followed by a shared lunch.

House Masses went well in Lent.


There are some confusions with the figures which Fr Pat needs to look at and clarify before they are presented to the Parish.

The meeting thank Lynda McIntyre and John Pitt, Diocesan Treasurer.

This will all be discussed at a later date.

Social Life

SVP and CWL ran a lunch for 28 older parishioners.

St Laurence Day is on a Sunday this year. It was suggested a Wine and Cheese party on the Saturday evening (10th August).

Summer Family Bring and Share lunch after 11am Mass on 14th July with publicity in newsletter. Jim and Mary Jane O’Sullivan will do this.



Helen, Rosina and Fr Pat now do an all in one session using a film etc. It is by invitation rather than compulsory but the next group is the biggest so far.


Chrissie Brierley and Mary Watkins will work together on this for next year. It is proposed that there be Application Forms and Information Packs as much time was wasted in the past getting basic info.

Diocesan Policy is that this takes place during Year 10.

First Holy Communions

These are all going ahead well.

Adult Receptions

It is suggested that a small team do this in the autumn and that Fr Pat invites people.

Buildings and grounds

Parish Pride Day

This did lots of good work, removing cobwebs high up, dealing with graffiti on the pews, erecting bird boxes as well as gardening and litter picking. All sustained by coffee, cake, soup and filled rolls.


Claire Chapman is doing a plan which will be looked at by all who are involved with the kitchen use. Fr. Pat will take the ultimate decision. This is the major project for the year.


It was suggested that the church windows be replaced and this was thought to be a good project for 2014.

Milton Road Library

There is a planning application to replace the library as it is with a library run by volunteers and flats above.

Upper Room

It is suggested that this room be decorated and the carpet replaced etc during this year. Fr Pat felt this could be done this year as it is unlikely to be too expensive.

Flower cupboard/Sacristy door

Water is pouring into the flower cupboard and the roof now needs attention. It was decided that Walter Florek needs to be asked to look at this.

Leak over gallery in Church

This is a long standing problem and only leaks when wind and rain are in particular direction. It can only be solved when the roof is replaced.


Fr Pat will lock up after 11am Mass.

General Security

This needs attention. Key boxes for Safe key in Sacristy and main key box to be replaced.


There are problems with regard to people going into classrooms during Mass.

The School has been awarded a Gold Quality Mark from the Diocese for RE teaching. It has become a Flagship School helping other schools in the diocese.

Diocesan Council of Laity

No meeting since last Forum.

Parish Groups


SVP thanked the parish for donations throughout the year. They visit about 10 people per week, give Christmas hampers, a new initiative, and have given financial help.


The Lenten Emmaus meal had about 40 attenders. There have been appeals and other initiatives.

Family Rosary Group

Meets on Mondays. The Catholic families club in the summer has its final sign up date in June.


There is a workshop on 27th April Exploring the Power of Healing Prayer and on 23rd June there will be an ecumenical service at St Michael’s Longstanton.


Mike Woods is unable to do the editing due to work commitments. Jim Scally may be getting involved.

Fabric Group

Needs volunteers to help run the maintenance etc.

Facilitation Group

All covered above


The Live Simply Banner has disappeared! A plea was made for any information regarding it’s whereabouts.

Future Forum Dates