Minutes of St Laurence’s Parish Forum : 28 January 2013

The meeting began at 8pm with Jim O'Sullivan in the chair and Fr Pat, Fr Bob and 20 parishioners present.

Fr. Pat Cleary opened the meeting with prayer.


Apologies were received from Tony Brotchie.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

These were posted as usual on the website and on the Narthex notice board. One amendment was made shortly after posting. One parishioners asked about hard copies and it was discussed whether these should be provided. It was agreed that as they were posted on the website anyone who wanted their own copy could download it from there.

Matters arising not on the agenda


Parish Day – 9th June 2013

Christine Knight has called a planning meeting for Wednesday 30th January. There has been a very good response to the call for volunteers, 50+ to date.

Fr Pat thought that we should be prepared should a bishop not have been appointed and will ask Fr. David Bagstaff, Diocesan Administrator to put this in his diary in case.



Last year’s figures came. Replacing the kitchen is this year’s big project.

Social Life

There will not be any St. Patrick’s Day event.

Buildings and grounds

Paul Simmons reported on the activities of the Fabric group to date. He stressed that the group does not propose to do all the work themselves and wants to get volunteers to involved (a) for the Group's Committee (b) for a Maintenance Team.

In addition (c) for a Parish Pride day (DIY and gardening) will be held in March to do various little chores that need doing – this will be advertised in the Bulletin.

Fr. Pat does not like the idea of a part time caretaker and feels the parish can do the necessary things without, but with a bit of planning.


The new classrooms are beautiful.

A new school is opening on the site of the old Shirley School – there are feelings in the area about this.

Diocesan Plan

Is in abeyance while there is no Bishop.

Sandy went to the Council of Laity meeting in November and there was a lot of discussion around the Year of Faith and in particular about Celebration, an organisation running weekends and longer times of music and worship. A taster weekend will take place in Bury St Edmunds on the weekend of 13th and 14th April and costs £35 for adults, £15 for young adults. There are Magazines and Booking forms in the Narthex.

Parish Groups


Mary Watkins talked about CAFOD’s Live Simply Campaign and the award which the parish is applying for. This Eco-Congregation movement offers an award if we achieve 9 things on the list (attached). The big event will be the Parish Day on 9th June.

Fr Pat is running a half marathon in Eastbourne in aid of CAFOD.


has few members. Janet Scally will talk at Mass about their activities in the hope of recruiting more.

Family Rosary Group

This group met in January and Karen Rogers said it went very well.

Fr. Pat asked groups that meet on a monthly basis to check their bookings with the office diary (Pat Cook).


Needs an editor to find and check material. Mike will continue to collate.


Future Forum Dates