The meeting began at 8pm with Jim O'Sullivan in the chair and Fr Pat, Fr Bob and 20 parishioners present.
Fr. Pat Cleary opened the meeting with prayer.
Apologies were received from Pat and Rev Geoff Cook, Stephen Warde, Teresa Campbell.
These were posted as usual on the website and on the Narthex notice board. One amendment was made shortly after posting – see Matters Arising.
Paul Edwards adjusted how he had explained Ecumenism locally. He will be talking at St Andrew’s Chesterton at the meeting of the North Cambridge Council of Churches on 7th November 2012.
The new Bishop (once appointed) will be invited and it is provisionally put in his diary.
A group to organise it needs to be put together divided into small groups to break down the tasks and with responsibility for:
It will take the format of a joint Mass for all Mass time attendees, probably at the School (it is already booked) and with food and activities afterwards. There will be no other Masses that Sunday.
It will be the Sending Forth Mass for the First Communicants.
Fr. Pat will encourage people from the altar and will give a hard push to get things going early in the New Year with lists for people to sign up for helping.
Some things will need to be done prior to New Year – parking possibly using the Community Centre – booking marquee etc.
Fr Bob thought that First Aid should be thought about.
Plans need to be fleshed out by next Forum, 28th January, 2013.
Fr Bob’s talks on Thursday evenings have started this off.
Lent Groups need earlier planning and the York Tapes used last year were not popular and the Church of England in area are also not using them again. An alternative needs to be found for next Facilitation Group meeting.
Offertory Procession – Fr Pat has been looking at this and feels that it is OK for all Masses except 11am where the Collection takes a long time holding things up. He would like the procession of the Gifts to come before the collection and anything from the Children’s liturgy. He will stop if the children have anything to present. This does not happen so often. So at 11am the offertory will revert to members of the congregation bringing the gifts prior to the collection.
The children should be coming back in at the Offertory but their time has to be a bit flexible. Their arrival should not make a 3rd procession.
Fr Pat said that Liturgically we are encouraged NOT to over emphasise the Offertory procession. The Bread and Wine really symbolise the gifts of the people.
Children’s Liturgy − there are currently discussions re the nature of children’s liturgy – colouring etc vs Godly Play.
It was asked if the leaders of the children’s liturgy get enough notice of time of return.
9.30 Mass is back in the school. Fr Pat asked if they wanted amplification and they said not although a guitar player would like this. There has been a smooth transition and it has eased the car park for 11am.
Readers and Eucharistic Ministers – on 3rd Nov. 2012 Philomena Cullen will lead a half day for Readers and Eucharistic Ministers.
There are still no figures for last year although the Diocese does now have them. Fr Pat assured the meeting that they will be published and next year’s will be at the normal time in mid Lent. Fr Pat felt he did not have an adequate idea of the Parish finances at present or how we are doing.
International Mass and party will be held on 24th November, Feast of Christ the King. The Bidding Prayer will be prayed in various languages, last time there were about 17 in all.
Remembrance Day 11th November. This year all families who have had someone’s funeral at St Laurence will be invited to 11am Mass when the names of all will be read out.
New Year Mass − Midnight Mass on 31st December was requested. This has been celebrated previously and is much liked.
Musicians are invited to a party in the Presbytery on the Eve of St Cecilia’s Day.
Library – it was agreed that a library be started. This has been talked about for a long time. Virginia Bird will run it with a float from the Parish. Good second hand classics will be purchased and stamped with a large St Laurence stamp. Donated books will be accepted but it is encouraged that they should not be old and out of date. Not all donations will be accepted. Karen Rodgers said it would be nice if people were encouraged to donate a book they had loved with a dedication saying why they had so enjoyed it.
First Communion programme is going well and led by Sue Price and her team on Saturdays and linking with the school.
Confirmation went very well. Mary Watkins feels more people need to get involved in the teaching and preparation within the Diocese can be explored. Fr Pat spoke of perhaps another Confirmation in autumn 2013 but Mary felt this is too soon for her at any rate.
Year of Faith − Karen Rodgers said there is an excellent web site from Leeds Diocese. She also talked about the Mass Resources Box which gets very untidy giving children a wrong idea of its importance, this is a general problem for communally owned things. She had put together little bags for parents to make for their children at the time of their Baptism containing various helpful and attractive items for small children to use only at Mass to make it special for them. She has agreed with Fr Pat run Rosary groups for younger families and encourages families to have Light of Life parties celebrating the saints on 31st Oct. She is happy to engage with other parents over this.
A small group, Paul Simmons, Ted Welsh, Tony Brotchie, Virginia Bird with apologies from Diana Timmins and Michael Strupczewski met to discuss things which need to be done in the Parish. Irial MacGinley does not want to be anything but consultant with regard to planning and clearly architectural items in future. It was felt the parish should make known their thanks to him for all his hard work. It is necessary to talk with Irial about what is his position and to get up to date information etc. He has used Walter Florek’s men in the past for urgent small repairs etc. It was briefly mentioned that perhaps the parish should pay for a gardener and even a part time caretaker but the parish has always preferred the use of volunteers.
Fr Pat suggested that the new group should be known as the Fabric committee. This committee would not be responsible for doing the work just identifying what needs doing and getting people to do it etc. Karen Rodgers offered to be responsible for soap in the toilets.
Fr Pat and Fr Bob will periodically mention the need for more volunteers.
In due course the roof of the church will need re roofing.
Irial is thinking about the kitchen.
The school is settling in to its new buildings with good classrooms and staff room and a great studio.
Jim O’Sullivan is unable attend the next meeting of the Council of Laity. Lynda McIntyre will be asked if she would like to go.
Parish GroupsCAFOD − Mary Watkins thanked the parish for its support of CAFOD. In Lent there was a Family Day on Water which was much enjoyed though only 30+ people attended. After Harvest Alan Bird’s talk on water and the following lunch while not being a good fund raiser was well attended and people were really interested in hearing about the complexity of work in the developing world. Mary said she was feeling in need of new ideas and welcomed new blood. Once again the need for new volunteers.
Discussion was had re the Parish Database which is seriously out of date. It was agreed that a new census needs to be taken in the New Year with regular updating perhaps by means of using e mails.
It is suggested that the Database lives on Fr Pat’s laptop so that it is available for use. Fr Pat is clear there are many uses even though British Catholic Churches do not have the concept of registering with a Parish as in many continental countries.
Discussion centred around the need for the Parish to embrace 21st Century technology including considering Facebook with a link to the Website.
Ecumenical Healing Service - 28th October 2012 at St Michael’s Church Longstanton, a tiny thatched church. There was a request for the loan of portable non electric heaters.
Fr Ben Grist, the young seminarian who spent a month at St Laurence in 2011, died last Sunday. His funeral will be at the Cathedral on Thursday 25th October at 12 noon. Transport to the funeral may be put on.
Youth and Young Adult Mass – it was suggested that a Youth Mass be held perhaps once a month. Fr Pat is happy to go ahead with this.