Minutes of St Laurence’s Parish Forum : 19 January 2012
The meeting began at 8pm with Jim O'Sullivan in the chair and 25+
parishioners present.
Fr. Pat Cleary opened the meeting with prayer.
Apologies were received from Dick Wilson, Sr. Pat Robb, Diana Timmons.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes were displayed on the Narthex boards and on the Website.
Matters arising
All as items on agenda.
Parish Year
The Advent programme had been very successful.
Plans are well advanced for a Lent programme. The Facilitation Group met last week and have the following ideas:
- Cafod afternoon event.
Cafod is 50 years this year − their theme for this year’s Lent is “Thirst for change”. To reflect this to hold an afternoon event on 3rd March on the theme of water instead of the usual Simple Supper. Proposed to ask Parish groups to contribute to this with stalls/displays on water theme. There will be a need to raise funds too as the supper usually nets quite a lot which should not be lost.
- Lent groups.
The Parish will use the York Course programme, this year called “Handing on the Torch” which fits well with the theme of this part of the Parish Year, the Parish in the external world. Fr. Pat said this course had been mentioned in the meeting of the North Cambridge Council of Churches. It is suggested that we find out what groups there are around the parish being run by other denominations as well as hosting some groups ourselves and opening them to neighbours.
- In the liturgy it was suggested that during Lent we have one reading (or the psalm) in the language of the reader with the English translation in the bulletin.
- Pilgrim to publish the activities as well as an insert in the bulletin and weekly reminders of that week’s activities. Also posters.
- Friday Lenten lunches as previous years.
- Stations of the Cross led by different groups.
- House Masses Mondays - one already planned and advertising for other hosts to go in Bulletin, Refreshments to be kept to cup of tea/coffee and biscuits.
- Margaret Beaufort Institute is holding 6 lectures − Crisis of Capitalism to be held at the Divinity Faculty − details on notice board.
- Fr Bob − weekly talk given on 2 different times to suit wider group.
- Romero Day 31st March at OLEM led by Julian Filochowski.
Fr. Pat asked that someone would co-ordinate the Lent programme and produce a leaflet etc. Stephen Warde will do this.
For later in the Parish Year
- Art Group
- Speakers during Pentecost − Discernment; Baptism in the Holy Spirit in the Sacraments; Spiritual Warfare; healing for Human Emotions (CD); the Inside Job by Jim McManus (book).
- Parish Day − 15th July
- Mass for the Sick − 7th July at 3pm
Paul Simmons thanked those involved in the Advent and Lent planning but felt most people do not appear to know there is a Parish Year. Those who attend activities tend to be “usual suspects” and asked how we get the wider congregation to get involved. He felt we are still not “setting the parish alight”. He asked that the Parish Day should be seen as a day to round up the parish year and be the start of the Year of Parish renewal.
- New Mass is becoming more familiar − perhaps the Preface and Eucharistic Prayer could be announced or put on the hymn board.
- 9.30 Mass is still in the Church but everyone is looking forward to being back in the school, hopefully in time for Easter.
- Quiet times − it was specially asked that quiet could be respected prior to the Good Friday liturgy and after the Holy Thursday liturgy when people are asked to leave in silence. It was suggested that a short period of quiet becomes the norm prior to Masses − perhaps signalled by the lighting of the altar candles. The act of “gathering” prior to Mass was discussed − whether this was people greeting each other or gathering themselves in prayer. Use of the keyboard could help with this though prior to the 11am Mass this is hard due to so little time to practice after the 9.30 Mass.
Perhaps this could be tried during Lent. Quiet could be mentioned in leaflet as well as the signal of candle lighting.
- Children are now bringing gifts at 9.30 and 11am Masses
The books will be done for the end of the financial year. On 3rd Sunday of Lent Fr. Pat will have figures put into the bulletin and will talk to them at each mass as well as a homily as he feels strongly that this should not take the place of the homily. He said this is the only time in the year he talks about money. Last year due to a generous legacy much has been done to the building: car park, solar panels and presbytery roof, parish office, sacristy, cycle racks.
There was a request that a Mass be said annually for the donor.
Social Life
- St Patrick’s Day party seems to have died a natural death unless anyone wants to run it.
- PTFA has Quiz Night on 3rd March.
- Senior Parishioners’ lunch − being run by SVP and CWL after Easter, possibly 14th April.
- Confirmation − There are 20 on the course, 19 committed at Mass of Commitment. Fr Pat said how pleased he was with how this was going. Christine Malone SVP is now part of the team and is running the project for Sudan. At a meeting of the parents 26 came and there was a great discussion. There is a great spirit among the group and they would like to stay together. They will be encouraged to take part in the Mass in particular the 6pm Mass while they are preparing. They have had help from the Margaret Beaufort Institute and with the drama.
Confirmation is on 21st April.
- Baptism − In the region of 100 in the year.
Fr Pat speaks with the parents but hopes for a group to do this. Rosina has got involved with help for parents and godparents − there are various good methods including “Godly Play” which need to be explored. Flexibility is necessary.
Buildings and grounds
Lots has been done this year. The outside board still needs attention and has too much information on it as people use the board on the wall for details
Paul Simmons said that Cupboards and Notice Boards need regular attention as they can be a tatty mess. Fr Pat said he would like notices to be laminated and using 4 pins. They need removing when they are out of date.
The Petition board needs attention on occasion though Mary MacGinley keeps an eye on it.
Graffiti on the pews is an increasing problem.
Fr Pat told the meeting that Ethan Gomez aged 5 died this week. He said that he was very impressed with how the teacher told the children. Because Ethan was under 7 years we do not pray for his soul as the Church teaches that a little child is free from sin. Please pray for his parents, family and friends.
Diocesan Plan
While there is no bishop this is somewhat in limbo. However, the Adult education study plan continues.
The Council of Laiety also continues and Jim O’Sullivan asked for a volunteer to attend the meeting on 19th May as he is unable to go. Fr. Pat said that mileage should be claimed.
Parish Groups
- SVP − Michael McEwan told the forum that Christine Malone is now involved.
East Anglia Region have a 2 bed cottage in Wells next the Sea to be used by people who are unable to have a holiday
- J&P − There will be a meeting at the Cathedral on 15th of Sept. The theme will be ”water” and the speaker Mary Colwall.
- Shared Interest − Sr. Pat introduced these series of investment schemes whereby small sums (as little as £100) are invested in small businesses in the developing world. Fr Pat will contact Diocesan office re these.
Facilitation Group
Meets prior to Forum meeting and shortly afterwards to see that plans/proposals are activated. All actions minuted elsewhere.
- Eucharistic Ministers and Readers at Mass − Aileen Kielinger asked if training can be given. Fr Pat and Fr Bob will arrange a session perhaps with Mgr Tony Philpott as a speaker.
- Bulletin − Virginia Bird commented that the Bulletin is getting fuller and perhaps a different format should be explored.
- Car Parking − this is working well except between 9.30 and 11am Masses when odd gaps appear.
- Missalettes − Mary MacGinley and Lynda MacIntyre will look into getting these rather than Parish Mass books.
- Kitchen needs sorting again.
Future Meetings
- Monday 23rd April
- Thursday 12th July
- Monday 15th October (instead of 8th)