Minutes of St Laurence’s Parish Forum : 10 October 2011

The meeting began at 8pm with Jim O'Sullivan in the chair and 22 parishioners present.

Fr. Pat Cleary opened the meeting with prayer.


Apologies were received from Mary Watkins, Rev Geoff and Pat Cook, Linda McIntyre, Margaret Plumb.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

The Minutes were displayed on the Narthex boards and on the Website. They were considered to be right.

Matters arising

Parish Year

The Facilitation Group and a small group have met to discuss and put together a programme for Advent.

Paul Simmons asked that Fr. Pat gives this programme a good kick off on the Feast of Christ the King but also with attention being drawn to the programme earlier so that people can plan which activities they wish to join.

Paul also asked Fr. Pat if he would offer special bidding prayers for the parish during this special Parish Year.

Sandra Hobson also told the Forum about the Life in the Spirit programme which will run from 27th October at St. Laurence’ and OLEM.

It was also hoped that the school would be involved in these new Parish initiatives although it was acknowledged that towards the end of term schools are very busy.

Tony Brotchie asked that as part of the neighbourhood part of the Parish Year Plan that we should contribute more to the Food Bank. Fr. Pat said that we contribute again on the weekend of 26th/27th November, that the Bank knows to come to St. Laurence’s at any time they need and that the spare food from the Harvest would go to the bank.



Social Life


Buildings and grounds

See Finance


Building work is going ahead. It is very encouraging that the school is extending.

Diocesan Plan

There was discussion about what carries on while we have no Bishop. The Family Life Commission is asking for a Cambridge Deanery Rep. Anyone interested should speak with Fr. Pat.

Parish Groups


Dates for next year’s Forum meetings