Chair: Jim O’Sullivan
Fr David opened the meeting with a prayer.
21 other people were present.
Apologies were received from Michael and Eileen McEwan.
Minutes of the last meeting on January 13th had been posted in the Narthex and were taken as read.
Offertory prayers: Paul Edwards reminded the meeting that he had previously suggested we could pray for Christians being imprisoned for their faith in our monthly prayers for prisoners of conscience. Fr David agreed to consider this.
More than 50 children will celebrate their First Holy Communion at 5 masses this year.
Recently a very good preparation day was held on a Saturday for all the children i.e. both those at St Laurence School and those prepared at church.
26 candidates are preparing for Confirmation on July 7th when Bishop Michael visits St Laurence’s.
New Building Work:
Irial MacGinley has drawings ready for work described last time (new disabled toilet) and may ask that the removal of rubbish be included in the project.
The Garage needs replacing.
Permission has been given from the Diocese to release funds over £3,000.
Registration/Census/Skills Audit: will start on Sunday 29th March and may take 3-4 weeks. During the same period Offertory boxes and Gift Aid forms will be distributed.
Statue of St Laurence: A parishioner has commissioned a statue: it is to be carved in Germany and will be shipped very soon. A picture was circulated. The statue will be placed in a window niche on the right side of the church and visible to 97% of the congregation.
Accounts were presented by Lynda McIntyre and she and the team were thanked by Fr David. They include Brian Phillips, Jim Scally and those who count the collections.
All statistics and ‘counts’ are up. The parish has grown numerically over the last ten years.
Notices indicating the location of toilets etc. were suggested for the Narthex and entrances to the church.
An OFSTED Report recently completed at St Laurence’s primary school was excellent, with ‘Outstanding’ being the main description among the criteria applied. RE was said to be ‘Outstanding’ and St Laurence’s one of the best Catholic schools visited.
The Forum sent congratulations to all at the school.
This consists of 25 pages under 5 sections:
The document was reviewed by the meeting and numerous suggestions and comments added for inclusion in the final report. This is available on the parish website.